About Me

I’m Susan.

White, cis, able-bodied, she/her pronouns, and living in the Pacific Northwest on Occupied Duwamish land (also known as Seattle). I am a lover of rain, forests, water, travel, books, and learning.

I’m partner to Lex and mama to twin boys, Miles and Langston. We are unschoolers with an eclectic approach to home education that doesn’t always categorize itself perfectly, but we find a groove that is perfect for us. I learn the most from my kids as they continue to unapologetically teach me who they are while I learn to let them lead the way.


As a white, cis, able-bodied, American woman, I recognize that I hold immense amounts of privilege that sometimes limit my capacity for understanding the struggles others more marginalized than myself may face. I value transparency and authenticity in the ways I am personally learning and growing alongside my community. I strive to “learn out loud” and value being held accountable for my own growth as an intentional daily practice.

Our family works to decolonize our relationships with each other as we show up authentically in our full humanity every day. We learn from each other, UNlearn with each other, and work to co-create our lives by slowing down, finding joy, and breaking generational patterns that no longer serve our us.

Aspiring Co-Conspirator.

I am an aspiring co-conspirator for justice and collective liberation. I strive to weaponize my privilege to disrupt systems, policies, and mindsets that marginalize and oppress individuals and groups. I’m constantly and actively unlearning and healing from the ways white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, abelism, adultism and all other oppressive systems have shaped me.

By working with adults who raise and educate children (parents, educators, therapists, etc.), I hope to co-create a more inclusive, accessible, and liberated world by divesting from the systems that harm us all. My people are those who are willing to do the real work alongside me, who push me to dig deeper, and who hold me accountable for the ways I show up in the world.